This fall I joined our local Mother of Preschoolers group (affectionately called MOPS). It has been a great way for me to get out of the house, be with other moms, and have a little bit of me time. At our last meeting we did a really fun craft, Turkey Hand Print Shirts. I was really impressed at the work and organization that went into helping 30 plus moms applique hand prints onto shirts. Everyone's turned out great. I ended up not being able to finish mine before I had to go pick up the girls, so I finished mine at home. Once I started working on sewing the hand prints on, I felt like they really wanted to be angels and not turkeys, so I turned mine into angels with just a little embroidery floss and a few stitches. Very fitting for my miracle babies. I will use this technique again for decorating shirts and other items, it was surprisingly easy.
ReplyDeleteThey look so sweet. You did a great job with