Tuesday, November 23, 2010

I never thought that...

I would be so thankful for a couple of pieces of nylon thread.  I am still pregnant, and we are closing in on the 24 week milestone.  Only five days till we get there.  At my doctors appointment today ultrasound confirmed that the stitches are holding, the only things, holding the babies in.  But the positive is that they are holding and we are making it.  While the days and nights are long, I hold on to hope and am relying on my faith.  I keep encouraged by the people who are supporting us in incredible ways. 

That is how things are right now.  As the weeks go on I hope that things will just get better and better.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Things are the same

We had a good report from the doctor yesterday.  Things look the same, so I continue to be confined to bed and anxiously wait for the weeks to pass.  I guess it is good that I don't have more to report.  Babies continue to be healthy, do well, and move around a lot.  I head back to the doctor on Friday.  Everyday that we get through is another one behind us.  Thank you for all of the prayers and support.  I will keep you posted.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I wasn't sure what to name this post.  Some ideas included "Things are not good, but they are not horrible either" "We are hanging on by a thread" and "How will we make through the next couple of weeks?"  I settled on uggh because that is just how I am feeling right now. 

Needless to say, things are not going great.  Last Sunday I started having regular contractions, so away to the ER we went.  I spend over 24 hours on some heavy duty medicine that stopped my contractions.  We stayed in the hospital until Thursday morning.  I am now on medicine that I can take at home to keep the contractions from starting again.  I was feeling hopeful as we left because they had gotten everything under control.

That was until my doctors appointment on Friday where we found out that I had lost about a centimeter of cervix in 5 days.  My doctor feels that the contractions where due to the cervix opening.  The good news in all of this is that it is holding closed below the stitches and that as of right now I am still pregnant.  I am at 22 weeks, so I have never been this pregnant before.  The doctor sent me home on strict, do not get up except for 10 minute shower sitting down bed rest.  I will leave it to your imagination on how we are managing other things.  These next two weeks are the most crucial.  We have to make it to 24 weeks, so hopefully we can keep this up with a lot of success these next two weeks.  I have another appointment tomorrow, and we are going to find out how things have gone this weekend.

I don't usually feel comfortable asking others to pray for me, but we are in some desperate need of prayer.  So if you could, that would such a comfort and so appreciated.

On a lighter note, here is a picture my husband took from his blackberry of how things are now that I am on strict bed rest.  It usually involves cat helpers.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I've Been Restricted!

The time has come for less activity and more resting.  The doctor has seen a little bit of change, and so to be proactive, my modified bed rest has turned into complete bed rest.  I really didn't know how good I had it until now.  Thankfully my mother is here and taking very good care of me.  She is also good about making sure that I am sticking to the guidelines and not doing to much.  This next month is the really critical point, and after that I am hoping that I will be able to do more.
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