Two years ago today I delivered our first two daughters into the world at 21 weeks gestation. I have been thinking about what I would do today to commemorate those precious girls that we lost. I bought myself some tulips and plan to hang up a cross stitch someone made for us with their names and birth dates. I still have an ache in my heart for those babies and what we lost. Thinking about that day brings back pain and sorrow, but I now also have wonder and gratitude as I think about the time that has followed that day. I will never understand why we had to lose them, but I do know that their lives were not in vain. I know that I am changed by them, and look at life differently. I am more conscious of appreciating where we are right now, and trying (sometimes not always succeeding, especially when I am up in the middle of the night) to live in the moment. Emma and Charlotte will be in turn touched by them as well. I have felt more acutely the connection of living and dieing. How precious life is, and how it can be gone so quickly.

Remembering Wilma Jane and Hannah Grace Hoemann
Saying a prayer of comfort for you today. My daughter's birthday is Feb. 10th, so I'm also mentally and emotionally preparing for that birthday celebration. We've done something different every year, but I think we'll celebrate similarly to what we did last year...it was nice.
We see just part of the the wholeness of life. Sometimes there are no answers to things. Sometimes it makes sense later, sometimes it never makes sense. I send you hugs and good thoughts.
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