Monday, August 23, 2010

Confession... I have been avoiding my blog

It is true, in the last few weeks I have not been diligent about posting here. 

It is not because I am not enjoying blogging, I am.  I like the idea of having an outlet to express myself and share what is going on with me to others.  I also like the connections that I have been making to others who also blog.

It is not because I don't have a lot to write about, I do.  I would like to share about my trip in April to see my parents and go to a wedding in San Francisco, the memorial for my daughters, a disastrous yet fun camping trip, how the settling-in process is going for our house, what projects we would like to do to it, what quilting things that I have been working on lately, a huge decision that my husband and I made last month, and other things that I have floating around in my head.

It is because I have been going through a huge life change and chosen not to write about it on my blog until now. 

I am pregnant.  With twins.  Again.

I think that I have been (and probably still am) in denial about this.  Not that I am unhappy about this or don't want it, but that I still can't quite believe it.  There are so many mixed emotions involved with pregnancy after loss, and it is very overwhelming.  By putting it on my blog, it is helping to make it real.  In sharing this with you, I am acknowledging that this is a huge, important thing that is going on in my life, and I need help and support through this.  I have thought a lot about whether I want to make a separate blog about this pregnancy, but have decided that I think I am just going to put everything onto this blog.  I definitely want to be able to look on the bright side during this and feel like posting about my life, this included, will be a good way to process and de-stress.  I will leave with a photo of me from yesterday before church, 10 weeks pregnant.


  1. Hip, hip, hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I think this will be a great place to Look on the Bright Side, or perhaps you can rename your blog to your code names for you babies. Maybe They can become names like Hopeful Harriet or Positive Pete (or something like that!!!)

  2. This is wonderful news! And yea a belly picture!! I encourage you to enjoy this pregnancy as much as you can and love that you are willing to share that process with us - your loyal fans!

    These are my name suggestions so far:
    Marianne & Elinor (if you have two girls)
    David & Johnathan (if two boys)
    Anne & Gilbert (although this may be weird for sibling to be named after a literary couple)

    I'll keep working on suggestions. Congrats again!

  3. Congrats!!!!!!!! And good luck!!!!
    And I have been through the being scared to death after getting pregnant after a loss before... hang in there and try and think happy thoughts!!!

  4. Congratulations, Ann (& John)! The mixture of feelings surrounding this event are intense, I am sure, but I am also certain you will handle it all will grace. I will be thinking of you.

  5. congrats! we are here, so talk to us! i hope that helps with your understandable anxiety.


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