Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Using the learning tower

C and E got this learning tower from my parents for Christmas.  What an awesome consignment find!!  The idea behind the learning tower is that it creates a safe way for young children to access the counter and sink.  C and E are finally stable enough when standing that I decided to try it out at the sink.  They are still pretty little but are able to reach the water to wash their hands.  They like being able to do it themselves and I am excited to see what fun things we can do with this as they get bigger.

* I look at these pictures and just marvel at how big my girls are getting!  It is exciting to see them doing things for themselves, but also makes me miss their tiny baby selves. *


  1. C looks so serious and engaged as she plays with the water. It won't be long before she doesn't have to stand on tiptoe to play in the sink. I am glad the girls are enjoying the learning tower.

  2. LOVE LOVE this. Elsa wants up to see everything we do, but I wasn't sure she was ready for the tower yet. We will try soon! Also I did a double take, assuming that you took a photo of both girls. I thought, "Wow, Emma is starting to look like her sister." Oops!


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