Lately Charlotte and Emma have become more affectionate with each other. Yesterday I found them like this. They had scooted so that their backs were touching. Today charlotte rolled over and laid on top of emma while they were playing. We also had their one month check up. Everything looks good except that Emma needs to go see a pediatric opthomologist for her clogged tear duct. Hopefully the process to clear that up will be easy. We are getting very excited for the arrival of grammy and gramps on Friday.
Lindsey had clogged tear ducts also. At first both eyes were affected, but later on it was just the left. Our doctor said that if it was still clogged at 12 months she would refer us to a specialist. She said they often resolve spontaneously and that due to the small size of the duct it was better to wait until one year for surgery anyways. Fortunately for us, her clogged duct spontaneously resolved at 11 months. No treatment, no surgery. Yay! Hopefully you will have a similar story.