It has been a while since my last post, mainly because I was afraid that all I would do is whine, which is not the intention of my blog, or really what I imagine anyone wants to read. I will leave it at the fact that being almost 36 weeks pregnant with twins can be pretty uncomfortable. I won't go into the details, but really, no one tells you that every joint in your body will start to ache. But we have made it to almost 36 weeks, how amazing! What a journey to get here, I really didn't know for a long time if it was even possible.
The babies are doing great. We are now in the throws of birth plans and figuring out how all of this is going to work. My doctor is going to take out the stitches that he put in so long ago on the 28th of February, just 10 days away! I think that he is pretty sure I will go into labor then, but it could take a few days. I feel nervous and apprehensive and scared, but also excited and ready for these girls to make their arrival. We are continuing to get prepared, organizing the house and getting errands out the way so we don't have to worry about them later. I think both my husband and I feel a little shocked that the time is finally arriving and wonder about how our lives will change and what we have gotten ourselves into. Thank goodness we have each other, as well as the support of our families.
I promise that I will do better about keeping things updated and try to get info on here as soon as I can about their arrival. Look for baby pictures in the next couple of weeks, how exciting!